1.1.1 Carrier Air Wing 1 (CVW1) simulates US Naval operations and is compromised of the following squadrons:
Squadron Name | Aircraft | CO | XO |
VF-11 | F-14B | E. "Wiki" Crouch | E. "Impostor" Guthrey |
VFA-81 | F/A-18 | C. "Joker" Binder | Marauder "Flatline" |
VFA-45 | F/A-18 | J. "Easy" Kregdale | C. "Mojo" Campo |
1.1.2 Air Wing 13 (AW13) simulates US Air Force operations and is compromised of the following squadrons:
Squadron Name | Aircraft | CO | XO |
93rd TFS | F-16C | "UNO" Hex | Z. "D20" Shepard |
395th TFS | F-15E | R. "Tres" Greyson |
1.1.3 Mission Schedule
CVW1 currently flies operations on Saturdays, with two launch events starting at 8:00PM CST and 9:00PM CST. Missions may start earlier or later, or be compromised of a single launch event at the mission maker's discretion.
AW13 currently flies operations on Fridays, typically with a single launch, at 8:00PM CST. Missions may start up to an hour earlier at the mission maker's discretion.
1.2.1 Members must RSVP for weekly operations by selecting a role on Discord by 10 PM CST on the day preceeding the operation. This is done by going to the #attendance
channel in Discord.
1.2.2 Failure to RSVP results in an unexcused absence and disqualifies you from the current mission.
1.2.3 If you have previously marked not attending, and your situation has changed to where you can fly, you may ask the mission maker on the day of the operation if you can participate.
1.2.4 Two unexcused absences are permitted per month and exceeding this results in being placed in IRR (Inactive Ready Reserve), requiring admin approval to participate.
1.2.5 Marking yourself as Not Attending
for long periods of time (typically greater than a month or two) may result in being moved to IRR at the squadron leadership's discretion.
1.2.6 Members in IRR may not participate in official operations without approval from a community admin.
1.2.7 Absences will be excused by CO/XO or CAG, especially in unforeseeable circumstances
1.2.8 Squadrons may have additional attendance requirements that are different from the group wide policy.
Squadron | Policy |
93rd | 1 Flight on Friday in an F-16 every 60 days or IRR |
VF-11 | 1 Flight on Saturday in an F-14 every 60 days or IRR |
VFA-45 | 1 Flight on Saturday in an F/A-18 every 60 days or IRR |
VFA-81 | 1 Flight on Saturday in an F/A-18 every 60 days or IRR |
1.3.1 Briefings are started at the event start time, in Discord, in the Ready Room voice channel.
1.3.2 After the mission briefing, there is typically a 5-10 minute question period. During this period, only flight leads should ask questions. If you are not a flight lead and have a question, consider direct messaging your flight lead.
1.3.3 After the mass briefing, typically the remainder of the time until 30 minutes after event start is dedicated for flight leads to individually brief their flights.
1.4.1 After an operation, flight leads, mission maker, and supporting roles are requested to attend a ~20 minute debrief to discuss what went well, what didn't, and any bugs/suggestions for improvement. Promotions and other general announcements typically take place during this time. All members are encouraged to listen, but flight leads especially are desired to participate.
1.4.2 During debrief, it is requested that only one member of a flight speak for the entire flight.
1.4.3 To ensure respect for those speaking during debrief, all streaming (including Tacviews and LSO streams) must stop. After the official debrief has ended, streaming may resume.
1.5.1 All callsigns must abide by the Community Rules: https://www.vcsg8.com/rules
1.5.2 Callsigns may not directly speak down on a member other than the one receiving it, nor may it speak down on a squadron.
1.5.3 Callsigns may not be suggested or chosen by the member receiving said callsign.
1.5.4 If you like your callsign, great! You get to keep it. If you don't like your callsign, great! You get to keep it.
1.5.5 Only members of the squadron of the person receiving a callsign may vote on the callsign.
1.5.6 Squadrons are responsible for determining their own method of deciding on and assigning callsigns.
1.6.1 All squadrons are required to maintain checkrides for promotions to O-1, O-2, O-3, that should focus on competency in the squadron's primary airframe. It is up to each squadron to determine what to test members on and to the degree of difficulty a checkride should be.
1.6.2 Squadrons organized under CVW1 must qualify all officer candidates (OC) on the CSG8 CASE I Qualification. Any CVW1 member who is O3 or above may proctor the CASE I qualification for any OC, regardless of squadron.
1.6.3 CVW1 squadrons must qualify all O-2 or above members on the CSG8 CASE III Qualification. Any CVW1 member who is CASE III qualified and O3 or above may proctor the CASE III qualification for any member, regardless of squadron.
1.6.4 Squadrons can determine who is authorized to proctor qualifications outside of the squadron. However, the default rule is that upgrade checkrides should be proctored by senior staff within the squadron.
1.7.1 Squadrons are responsible for creating and maintaining their own liveries, and are responsible for fairly creating personalized assets for their members, if at all. All liveries created must abide by the Community Rules: https://www.vcsg8.com/rules
1.7.2 For squadron liveries that have multiple renditions (such as personal jets), shared texture files must be loaded through the virtual file system (CoreMods) instead of duplicating files for each livery entry.
1.8.1 Members may transfer to another a squadron for any reason or no reason at all. The process must be started by the member first notifying their current CO/XO of their intent to transfer.
1.8.2 Members maintain any aircraft qualifications they already have when they transfer.
1.8.3 Squadrons may require incoming members to pass similiar or equivalent squadron-specific qualifications that the member already possesses, and may impose squadron specific requirements on transferring members such as needing to pass specific qualifications in a certain time period.
1.8.4 Members cannot transfer more than once per quarter.
1.8.5 Members who are qualified in multiple aircraft cannot fly aircraft outside of their primary airframe until they reach the rank of O-2 (LTJG or 1st Lt) or higher.
1.8.6 To cross qualify in an aircraft that is the primary airframe of one or more squadrons, you must select and pass an applicable O-2 level qualification from one of the airframe's host squadrons.
1.8.7 To cross qualify in an aircraft that is not a primary airframe of any squadron, you must pass an OPFOR checkride with @Isotaan or a relevant OPFOR coordinator such as a mission maker.
2.1.1 - Intentional or reckless friendly fire will not be tolerated against members or AI.
2.1.2 - In Beyond Visual Range (BVR) conditions, you are required to properly identify any aircraft you are locking with your radar. If you're not sure, you are expected to call "Raygun" on the broad frequency including the altitude and any other identifying information of the boagie aircraft. You should allow five seconds for other aircraft to respond with "Buddy Spike" if they believe you are locking them. Not following this procedure or repeat impulsive missile shots that result in friendly fire will be treated as intentional friendly fire.
2.2.1 The standard radio communication plan is defined here: Comm Plan
2.2.2 Non-operational communications should be kept off of broad frequencies such as Guard, Common, GCI, Tower, Paddles, or interflight. Broad frequencies are defined as radio frequencies that may have participants other than your immediate flight.
2.2.3 Think about what you want to say before you speak on a broad frequency.
2.2.4 Unless invited to speak by an AIC, you should wait at least 10 seconds when joining a broad channel before speaking, to ensure you are not interrupting a conversation.
2.2.5 After speaking on a broad frequency, try to leave a gap of greater than 5 seconds to allow others to speak, before speaking again.
2.2.6 If a drawn out or persistent conversation with a member outside of your flight is necessary, consider moving the conversation to an unused radio frequency on the comm plan such as a FAD or The Box.
2.2.7 Don't repeat yourself, or repeat information that you are confident you have heard correctly on broad frequencies, except for required readbacks.
2.2.8 Flight leads should check in their flight on their assigned broad frequency per the ATO, or once outside controlled airspace if the ATO does not specify a communication plan.