- Confirm launch order
- Weather
- Review flight plan
- Contract speed and altitudes for phases of flight
- Review mission code words from mass brief
- 90 minute fuel ladder minimum
Link to vCSG-8 communication plan VICTORIA page
- Radio channels in use for CASE I/III operations
- Intraflight TACAN Yardstick (Lead # first, Section # second)
- Communication frequencies required for mission
- Refueling tanker TACAN/radio as needed
¶ Threats and Counters
- Reiterate any caveats from mass brief
- REDFOR systems in use
- SAM engagement ceilings and ranges
- AAM Settings
- Commit Criteria
- Shot Range and Post-Shot Maneuvering
- BVR Shot Strategy (
per group, X
per track)
- BANZAI Shot Strategy (
per track, follow up Sparrow)
- Minimum Defense and Abort Range
- Navigation
- Radar Lookout
- Visual Lookout
- Formation deconfliction
- Which radar is looking where, pre-commit?
- Lead looks Left/Low
- Wing looks Right/High
- AIC gives initial picture if able
- Lead RIO, then Wing RIO confirms or updates picture
- Lead RIO gives range update every 5-10 nmi
- Wing RIO acknowleges and fills in any other relevant info
- AIC fills in as needed.
Wing RIO and AIC are not to speak out of turn.
- Standard sorting doctrine:
- Flight lead targets enemy Left/Lead/Low
- Wingmen target enemy Right\Trail/High
Sort within single group; if multiple groups within flow range, target each group.
- Flight lead may deviate if appropriate or necessary.