The Initial Qualification Training (IQT) check ride is designed to ensure that incoming pilots to the 93rd possess a basic understanding of flying the F-16C Viper in an operational environment. It is not designed as a high barrier of entry for operations, but instead as a check that pilot can basically handle themselves in a combat environment without requiring the full attention of a flight lead at most times.
This check ride is technically open book, but you should expect to answer questions about the Viper throughout the check ride.
Dying and failing to kill units is allowed, to an extent, but proctors may fail a testing pilot if it is clear they lack an understanding of the task they are trying to accomplish. The goal of most weapon employment objectives in the rubric is to see the weapon come off the rail and arrive in the vicinity of the target.
You have two options to take this checkride:
You must have the Tacview exporter installed and active for this method. You will download the miz file and run the miz unmodified in DCS. When complete, you will screenshot the report in the top right corner indicating your pass status. You will provide both this screenshot and ACMI file in the 93rd's channel on CSG8, preferably the #Qualifications post.
You will then answer questions related to memory items in a voice channel with an IP or CO/XO.
You will download the miz file and run the miz unmodified in DCS. You will stream your progress with your proctor in a voice channel on Discord. The proctor will ask memory item questions while you are flying.
To arrange a proctored exam, you will need to ask for a proctor in #93rd General and either an IP or CO/XO will proctor your exam as their availability permits.
What is the standard altitude and speed of a field overhead break?
At what speed does the rudder become effective in the Viper?
What is the maximum safe taxi speed in a full deflection turn?
What is the minimum following distance that should be maintained between aircraft on the ground?
At what speed do you disengage afterburner during an afterburner takeoff?
What is the maximum speed that a CBU can be employed at?
How do you turn on the TGP?
What steerpoint is Bullseye by default?
How do you select a radio preset?
or COM 2
Explain the following modes of the FCR and when you would utilize them:
What HOTAS control switches targets in TWS and DTT?
TMS Right
If you are in A2G mode and attempting to move the TGP and it will not move, what are the three most likely explanations?
What is the SPI?
An ALIC table will be provided in the mission.
If you die at any point during the check ride, respawning is allowed, but you should respawn into the exact same slot you were occupying when you died.
You must start the check ride in slot
and should not rearm the jet. The second sortie must be flown in slotIQT-2
If you overfly Waypoint 2 within 5nm you will fail the check ride
Ensure you power on: HMD, Left Hardpoint, RWR, Countermeasures
Takeoff from Batumi
Navigate towards Waypoint 1
Before reaching Waypoint 1
, switch waypoint to Waypoint 3
on the ICP/DED
Navigate to Waypoint 3
At Waypoint 3
fire a HARM in RUK towards Waypoint 4
, targetting a SA-10 5N66M Clam Shell search radar.
Navigate to Waypoint 4
Employ 3 Mk-82 Snakeeyes against the remaining targets at Waypoint 4
. Launch configuration is at your discretion. Recommended:
Be prepared to do a guns jink against anti-aircraft artillery
Waypoint 5
Waypoint 5
. Recommended profile:
Waypoint 6
) on the 299 radial at 12 DME or greater. Continue flying on the radial after intercept.You are not considered to be landed until your speed has dropped below 10kts
Ensure you power on: HMD, Right Hardpoint, RWR, Countermeasures
Waypoint 9
Waypoint 9
with GBU-12s and the TGPWaypoint 10
Waypoint 10
with a GBU-38 in Vis modeWaypoint 11
You MUST overfly the center Batumi's runway at above 500ft and above 290kts before landing
channel in Discord.If you don't receieve the message automatically use the F10 menu and request the report be printed