The 395th FS has several levels of weapons qualification. These qualifications are required for each rank.
Members are very highly reccommended to complete as many quals as possible as soon as possible. You do not have to wait until you are eligible for a checkride in order to complete the relevant weapons quals.
Additional weapons such as the AGM-65, AGM-130, and AGM-154 are not standard squadron weapons and are not required to promote, however if and when they are called for during an operation only pilots qualified on those types will be cleared to use them.
This qualification takes place on a fairly typical bombing range created by Sidekick45
Candidates will submit reports per attack as well as a tacview recording of the entire range session.
For every weapon impact a report should be generated by the mission. Screenshot each message as proof of your attack.
First Slot -- GP Bombs
Program: MK82 | CDIP | STEP | N/T
Perform a dive attack on the target near Target Point 2.A
. Release no lower than 3'000 ft AGL.
Accuracy of up to 15m is acceptable, however you should strive for accuracy of 10m or lower.
Second Slot -- GBU-24
Program: GBU-24 | AUTO | STEP | N/T
Perform a high altitude level release on the target. Hard deck is at 16'500 ft to simulate SA-15 coverage.
Accuracy of up to 3m is acceptable, however you should strive for direct hits.
Third Slot -- GPHD Bombs
Program: MK82AR | CDIP/AUTO | STEP | N/T
Perform a level attack on the target. Hard ceiling is at 1200' AGL.
Accuracy of up to 15m is acceptable, however you should strive to be as accurate as possible.
First Slot -- Cluster Munitions
Program 1: MK 20 | CDIP | STEP | HEIGHT 900'
Program 2: CBU 87 | CDIP | STEP | HEIGHT
Perform dive attacks on the target near Target Point 2.A
. Release no lower than 3'000 ft AGL.
Second Slot -- IAMs
Program 1: GBU-38 | AUTO | STEP | N/T
Program 2: GBU-54 | AUTO | STEP | N/T
Perform level attacks on target. Direct hits are expected, up to normal weapon margin of error.
Third Slot -- WCMD
Program 1: CBU-105 | AUTO | STEP | HEIGHT
Program 2: CBU-103 | AUTO | STEP | HEIGHT
Perform level attacks on target.
Perform remote attack on the target at Target Point 2.A
. Release no closer than 35nm.
Perform direct attack on the target at Target Point 2.A
. Release no closer than 3nm.
BLU-107 Durandal
Perform attack on the runway at Kutaisi.